Why Shanti?

Women deserve to take care of their body, emotions, mind, and spirit in a restorative and healing way. Reduce stress, relieve anxiety, release all those emotions from the past that not serve them anymore, and nourish their physical body to improve their quality of life.

For Whom?

Whether you are a beginner or a regular practitioner, yoga is one of the sources to improve your life.

Yoga is not just complex postures; This practice goes beyond involving other aspects that help you live fully and in connection with yourself, promoting inner peace and well-being.


At any time when you feel ready to start your journey. Step by step you are going to feel the benefits of this practice. Frequent practice will bring you to an up level in every aspect of your life.

My Method

Shanti Yoga Flow Method was created with the main intention to provide you with deep relaxation in the body. Clearing the mind and cleansing emotions.

The method consists of the use of progressive relaxation, reiki, aromatherapy, sonotherapy and the use of language promotes positivity, inner peace, liberation and well-being.

Shanti Yoga Flow
will change your life

They called me Shanti, a name that my guru gave me. It means inner peace, and it is the purpose of my classes and job. I discovered yoga 20 years ago in Mexico.

I was looking for more meaning in my life, a deeper meaning. I did my practice once a week for a year. Then, I went through a very complicated time, so I stopped practicing for several years, and dedicating myself to my children and family.

8 years ago, going through a painful divorce process and living the hardness of a detox from anxiolytics and antidepressants, I decided to resume the practice to help me with the terrible symptoms and emotions of these process.

I started practicing every day, since it helped me so much, not only to overcome the symptoms and with the anger and sadness, but also with bringing my body and mind to a unique state of calm. It was then that I decided to get certified as a teacher with the intention of bringing the benefits of this millenary practice to those who need it.

Today, in addition to facilitating motivational and personal growth workshops, where my students find a safe space to relief from anxiety, stress, negativity, fear, lack of motivation, confidence and/or self-esteem while improving physical, mental, and emotional well-being for a life with balance, coherence, and inner peace using my method.

Now I help women like me, like you to overcome challenging situations. Welcome to a new style of life.

meditate with me

La Relajación
Meditación Gratitud
Reto 10 días Mindfullness

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